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350 thoughts on “Photo Gallery

  1. naresh khandla says:

    nice and best photography..

  2. Shehbaz Patel says:

    Nice photography.
    All photos are perfect.

  3. Sanchit Chugh says:

    Mesmerizing Clicks

  4. omkar kirkire says:


  5. Tre says:


  6. Tiger says:


  7. Sara says:

    Beautiful pics, congrats!!!

  8. La chica de suga says:

    So good 👏

  9. Anna_INFiniTy says:

    beautiful gallery 👍🎨

  10. Kunal says:

    Very pleasing and absolutely amazing.

  11. Ss says:

    Awesome photography

  12. Ajaykumar says:

    “In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality.” good job and happy journey…..👍👍👍

  13. Anikesh says:

    Excellent photographs

  14. Girish G. Shukla says:

    Wow it’s a wonderful pictures…

  15. Ketan Patel says:


  16. Surya Pratap Singh says:

    Good one…keeps going ✌️👍

  17. Sonu choudhary says:

    Nice click

  18. Alwna hoult says:

    The gallery Expression seems like the life is beautiful with all the way.


    बहुत सुंदर , वाह !

  20. Isiaka Toyeeb says:

    👍 Nice shots really nice especially those of the animals.
    The pictures of the lion, snake, and white tiger are they from close range?

  21. Atul says:

    I can see that you are doing what makes you happy.
    Good work

  22. Brian says:

    Hi Ravi

    Thank you for ending along the link for your photo gallery. Really nice and enjoy looking at all.

  23. Carol says:

    I loved your job!

  24. S.jaiswal says:

    Very nice shots… Great job.. keep it up..

  25. Shivam pandey says:

    Nice photography

  26. Balamuralikrishna says:

    Megnificent bro cultivate the same with more goodluck

  27. Gautham says:

    Good clicks!!!

  28. Vern says:

    Your pictures are an inspiration to people to get out and enjoy the beauty around us…except for me…too hot outside today😒

  29. Mike Downs says:

    Wow! Amazing work, thank you kindly

  30. Yamileth says:

    all your photos are beautiful, I like everything.😊

  31. Lisa says:

    My favorite is “The Nature in Red”. They are all beautiful!

  32. Shubham Swami says:

    From my way the all picture were good
    But the white tiger is too awesome

  33. Toriola Adex says:

    All nice I love them all

  34. Yash Raj deshmukh says:

    The sunset picture was awesome click…..

  35. kirti vaib says:

    The Sky Birds and Asian Bear are best. Good Work

  36. Vinay agrahari says:

    Beautiful n nice collection of photograph

  37. Irma says:

    My favourite is The Rain Drop on The Leaf, stunning photo!

  38. Roshan Choudhary says:

    Some mind-blowing photography.. seriously.. keep this good work going

  39. jitu maharana says:

    very nice

  40. Rajneesh Mishra says:

    All are unique in their own way. But few are personal favorites :

    1. The deer.
    2. The bird with wings wide open.
    3. The Lioness.
    4. The flock of birds.

  41. Priyanshu says:

    I like Baby hand pic Most

  42. Pratik Tiwari says:

    The pic taken of heard of dear is most adorable. as it is the real aspect of life in this artificial world in their natural habitat.

  43. Dave_slux says:

    My favourite picture is this from the asian black bear in the three

  44. Darina says:

    I love the most Daisy flower as I prefer flower photos and have them on all profile backgrounds.
    Daisy is very lovely taken, highlighted its beauty.

  45. lalintha perera says:

    awesome photo gallery , love them

  46. Blue says:

    Nice photos, animals are beautiful, I don’t understand the meaning of some of the photos but I like your gallery

  47. ELAYARAJAN D says:

    Greatly Admirable .

  48. SOURAV PAUL says:

    my fav is the raindrop, the beautiful evening and the sky birds

  49. Nivi says:

    Me gustan todas las fotos, son preciosas!! Sos una gran fotografa!

  50. Daniela says:

    My favorite photo is “The Legend Night Moon”

  51. अम्बरीष शर्मा says:

    थोड़ा और सुधार की जरूरत है दोस्त।

  52. Iqbal Ahamd says:

    Very Beautiful photos and amazing photo capturing..

  53. Shashidhar Kariyappa Kariyappa says:

    Nice pics.. keep it going! 😊😊

  54. Shashidhar Kariyappa says:

    I like your pics.. they r really gud

  55. Aaron ferrarese says:

    I like the pic with the moon at night, the dog, green leafs, tower pic, Ferris wheel!

  56. Raja kumar says:

    Osm photo click especially wild animals photo

  57. Anaswara says:

    Really great job, its not easy to select 5 best photos. Loved your work and wishing you to take more beautiful pictures and waiting to see your more works…

  58. Razil says:

    This is the best gallery. Delightful! I am from Russia and I like Indian culture very much. I liked the photos of nature, animals, architectural structures and monuments.

  59. @aweirdocameron says:

    These are all great photos

  60. Skye Windo says:

    My favourite pieces are:
    – The Legend Night Moon
    very incandescent, i like how the moon is radiating through the sky.

    – The Lord Swaminarayan
    i love hindu mythology and this picture is impressive to have in your portfolio!

    – The Nature in Red
    very nice composition blending natural ambiance with colour vibrancy.

    – The Beautiful Evening
    just a lovely picture in general, good for making a print with

    -The New Spider Man
    very humourous title for such an active photograph! the name of the piece is appropriate to the content!

  61. Sir Mark Frederick McKinney says:

    Wow, that’s a tall order. Of course I like many of them. I will tell you my one FAVORITE. That would be the one of which there is a very very small stream of water that leads to a small crystal clear pool BEAUTIFUL !

    • Hello Sir Mark Frederick M..,
      Thank you for your kind words. That click is beautiful due to your good vision. Thank you again for writing to us. Your word matters for us.

      • kim jane says:

        I really like the photo with the Deer one 😊 i just like the way it looks in your direction and how the trees just perfectly match with it💕

  62. Kannan says:

    Super nice work keep doing this 👌

  63. Neeraj says:

    All pics are nice no need of comparison between pics

  64. Vaibhav kanade says:

    All Photographs is Fantastic….
    Really Fantastic Clicks..

  65. Vaibhav Kanade says:

    All Photographs are Fantastic.. its really beautiful.. really.. Fantastic Clicks..

  66. Vaibhav Kanade says:

    All photographs are fantastic.. Its very beautiful..

  67. Himanshu Rawat says:

    All of wildlife clicks are astonishing and other are perfect.

  68. Madhu mitha says:

    Nice clicks love your photos ❤️

  69. Prosenjit Nath says:

    1. Virginia deer 2. Asian black bear 3. Indian chameleon girgit 4. Yellow butterfly 5. Beautiful red wasp 6. Nature in red 7. Flying seagull.

    Those 7 photos are I liked most, awesome click

  70. Jagdish Kumar Mali says:

    Very Beautiful Photography …..

  71. Farrukaa says:

    Son preciosas😻
    Un saludo

  72. Shubhannito says:

    The click of Asian Black bear is really really special

    Rest of the pics are mesmerising too
    Carry on the good work

  73. Confidence says:

    Awesome, keep it up

  74. DEEPAK says:

    NYC photos. 👌👌👌👌

  75. om says:

    Wow so beautiful clicks

  76. Sinyora Belen'T (lilith) says:

    Great pictures 🤗I like the pictures 📸💕

  77. Noble subaiya says:

    Awesome photography

  78. raye says:

    I have 10 favorite photos from this collection:
    Sweet chocolate chip ice cream cone
    Keep up the great work !

  79. Appunathan says:

    Those deers looks nice but you need better eqips

  80. All photos are good,except some unclear ones. I liked that of the beer.

  81. aman says:

    All snaps r well n lovely good going keep it up

  82. Prashant says:

    Amazing. Nice photography

  83. Manoharan says:

    Good photographs, however please put them in more clearer picture. you have talent. Thank you..

  84. Navneet says:

    What a creative pics, it’s looking imagination art. Keep it up

  85. Ajay kumar mishra says:

    in these pics…. Animals….. Nature…. And simple pictures all are stunning to see the way it is taken…… Nice work

  86. Sumit says:

    These natural nature & Animals pic are awesome keep it up

  87. Nitin kumar mishra says:


  88. Shobhit mittal says:

    Outstanding work…
    Are all pics taken by you???

  89. Yash says:

    All photos are really very nice. Awesome photography. Thanks for sharing with me.

  90. Sanjay bansal says:

    How amazing every pics it’s very closed with nature and reality I like so much🌹🌹🌷🌹🌹

  91. Rushi says:

    I liked all the photos……good one keep it up👍

  92. Deepak Singh says:

    Buetiful all pictures

  93. dalip gupta says:

    Al the pics are beautiful hard to chose few as favourites

  94. Jade says:

    Every picture is in detailed and very lively. All are a perfect capture

  95. modassar pathan says:

    photo no. 7 – The bird sittings on wire is one of the of the best photo.

  96. Vijaykumar nalkul says:

    Beautiful all picture’s 👌👌
    nice art

  97. Syahrul Febriyanto says:

    That key. I love it

  98. Pemphero says:

    Awww these are nice pictures. Keep it up.You are so blessed.and would like to learn.

  99. I’m digging “the key” and “the razors edge” the bring about the most pleasant memories ….thank you for your amazing art

  100. Keirre M. Purches Jr says:

    I love all of them. My favorite is the one of the leaves with water drops on them. It brings a sense of life to the photo in my eyes.

    • Hello Keirre M. Purches J,
      It is really joyous to get a compliment from you. Thank you for your compliment. That’s a motivational one for us. Thank you again for taking out your time, Your comment means a lot.

  101. Farhad Ali says:

    Lovely and amazing photography

  102. Anushka says:

    WoW…. I love all the photographs, but my favourite is …the one with a baby’s hand….just brought a smile to my face

  103. dons says:

    nice photos… cool shots…

  104. Shaurya Joshi says:

    Awesome Snapshots!! 👌 Keep up the goodwork.

  105. Monu Sharma says:

    Best collection

  106. Kanchan says:

    Nice pics… My favourite ones are of giant wheel and nature’s. Keep clicking 🙂

  107. नरेन्द्र पंडित says:

    अच्छी फोटो और अच्छे लोग हमेशा खुशी प्रदान करते हैं।
    शानदार तस्वीरों के लिए शुक्रिया दोस्त।

  108. Pankaj mishra says:

    All photos r superb. Because all photos are of Nature. 👌👌👍

  109. Prachi Dubey says:

    Lovely pics….

  110. Deepali sain says:

    👍👍Too good pictures.🎞📸📷
    I am getting confused, I like all pictures.
    It’s very hard to choose 10 pictures out of these.

    All pictures are different in their own .
    Keep clicking😇😇😇

  111. Rohit says:

    All picture are very good but I like 🐦 bird picture

  112. Asandem says:

    Amazing amazing photography. A pure talent, a pure genius.

  113. Vedant kharat says:

    Amazing photography

  114. Abhishek sharma says:

    Bougainvillea plant flower, Asian black bear wildlife, the lord, the challenging boy, the rain drop on the leaf, the nature in red,

  115. Asad Afridi says:

    Dear you,
    I read whole of your article about Mountains. You share very interesting info about mountains and people who live there. Beg pardon your article is all about mountains and so your photo gallery didn’t have a single photo of Mountain. BTW rest of your pics are amazing.

  116. Bashir says:

    Such a nice photos ..

  117. Anushka says:

    Really commendable 👍.. too gud photos

  118. Arvind Kumar says:

    All potos are beautiful
    I like your photo

  119. Prabhakar Rao Vajeer says:

    Mind blowing …. …..Really awesome

  120. PARAS NATH says:

    Lovely pictures

  121. Rupesh pathak says:

    Awesome Click…

  122. Kaushalesh Singh says:

    I saw the whole India in your photography

  123. Amit kumar says:

    Marvellous pics

  124. Akshay Kumar Rana says:

    All the pictures are very wonderful. But I like the most is the Ice Cream which looks in reality someone showing front of me.

  125. Ayato says:

    So amazing!!👍👍👍👍👍

  126. Pushpender gusain says:

    Lovely pictures ❤

  127. Radha rani says:

    Very nice 👌 pics

  128. All the pictures are very wonderful.
    I likes💓💓💓
    Follow me

  129. Musa Mustapha Auwal says:

    Your photography is unique and the best . Keep it up

  130. Kaylie says:

    I love all the photos! 😍

  131. Sachith H M says:

    I liked 6th (CFL bulb) image

  132. Ali says:

    Nice photo means that he have open mind

  133. Monu says:

    Lovely pics n adventures really beautiful n awesome scene, views and pictures. Really love this.

  134. Priscilla Medz says:

    Love the phyton and seagull

  135. Lèo says:

    Wow the pictures are aesthetically pleasing 😍

  136. jojo says:

    I was sooo impress by how the photo was taken. Want to be a photographer soon!:-)

  137. Mohd Salman says:

    आपकी सारी तस्वीर बाकई निशब्द है आपकी इस कला को मेरा सलाम

  138. Tarun solanki says:

    Awesome photos

  139. Indian Martin says:

    Nice clicks. Nice pics

  140. Hardik Kateshiya says:

    Too good photos you have clicked I think we both have to go for photography once, should we?

  141. Dr. Someshwar Datt says:

    Very nice

  142. Angeline Brown says:

    Each and EVERY one was Breathtakinng!! I love the Walk Towards Peace! Beautiful job

  143. sri khar says:

    Great illustrations, especially the baby’s hand. Loved each photo..

  144. Yatharth singh says:

    Nice pics..nd its a good collection of pics keep it up..👍🏻👍🏻

  145. somesh says:

    Juss waw ….
    Nice photography
    May God bless you to capture such a beautiful moments

  146. Akash Chandra satapthy says:

    All photos are beautiful. The white-tailed Virginia deer and the glory of nature are the two i liked most.

  147. Bunny says:

    I like almost all pics best respect for 10 th pic

  148. Atulya says:

    Great photography 👍

  149. Priyesh H.Gawali says:

    I like that animals , birds and the little ones hand too

  150. Ravirajan Pawar says:

    Excellent pictures 👍

  151. Udit says:

    I think all. Are really good clicks…..and i appreciate the way you are doing all this…..
    Congratulations to you and hope for the best in future. …..
    #behtreenphotos #spectacular
    Keep it going…..😊

  152. Alok Kumar says:

    Awesome pics mind blowing keep it up

  153. Shamshad khan says:

    Very nice

  154. Surendar Kumar says:

    Amazing pictures. Keep exploring photography and life. My wishes to you

  155. Awesome pictures👌👌

  156. Deiraikho says:

    Very beautiful pictures.. keep it up👌🏼

  157. आर के लखेड़ा says:

    वाह अति सुन्दर

  158. बशिष्ठ नारायण सिंह says:

    सभी फोटो जीवंत एवं लाजवाब है। फोटो खींचने का अनूठा अंदाज आपके जूनुन की गवाही देता है, आभार तथा शुभकामनाएं।

  159. बशिष्ठ नारायण सिंह, जहानाबाद, बिहार। says:

    अगर आप इसी तरह अपने काम में शत प्रतिशत समर्पित रहे तो भावी पीढ़ी को आपसे बहुत कुछ मिलेगा। आपकी भावनाओं का सम्मान करना चाहिए हम सबको। इतना उम्दा प्रदर्शन के लिए आपका आभार व्यक्त करता हूं तथा शुभकामनाएं देता हूं आपको।


    आपकी सभी तस्वीरें अच्छी है
    इसी तरह आप और भी तस्वीरें खीचती रहे 👌

  161. Sanjay vyas says:

    VERY nice blog Soo beautiful pictures…nice to see all

  162. Sanjay vyas says:

    Beautiful pictures

  163. Bikram says:

    Amazing PHOTOs. Loved all…

  164. Sajan sahu says:

    Very well PHOTOGRAPHE each pics are amazing friends

  165. Zahir jafri says:

    Very nice clicks…

  166. Azhar ansari says:

    अच्छी तस्वीरें हैं

  167. Wow, I’m completely refreshed and all photos are just amazing. Love all of them.

  168. Vivek singh rajput says:

    All pictures were amazing but i love image no 62. A parrot is just about to fly after drinks water from that pot. “I love THat TIMING”.

  169. Savii says:

    Soo cool and Awesome pics😍❤

  170. AJAY singh eawat says:

    Beautiful… 😍😍❤️


    Awesome Photography 🔥🔥

  172. आयुष चौरसिया says:

    All the photos clicked are just fabulous 🔥

  173. S AKASH says:

    All photos are superb

  174. NAVEEN says:

    Nice 🖤❤️🔥

  175. Gurjinder says:

    Wonderful ❤️❤️❤️

  176. Varunesh dutt tripathi says:

    What a collections of multiple pictures,
    Amazing work.thanks to share with me.

  177. deep Choudhary says:

    all pics are great showing beauty of nature our world 💖💖

  178. Vikram says:

    All photos very beautiful

  179. Paras chauhan says:

    All pictures are Beautiful

  180. Morin pierre jacques says:

    Joli reportage photo !

  181. Awwal says:

    That bear pose tho!!😍

  182. vitor reis says:

    Excelente trabalho, gostei muito da escolha dos temas também, parabéns!

  183. Aditya Tiger says:

    आपको आपकी मंजिल ज़रूर मिलेगी
    Best of luck 👍👍👍

  184. Tausif says:

    The beauty has no boundaries in this PICTURE
    Keep your love of nature, for that is the true way to understand art more and more
    Very nice 👌

  185. Jaydip parmar says:

    Good looking photography
    Superb 👍👍👍👍👍🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  186. Ram narayan says:

    Nice all photo

  187. Dirk says:

    Hi, my FAVORITE nummers are 5,24,34,37,40,43,51,55, 62, 68.

  188. some beautiful and original images – my 10 favourites: 2 – 4 – 5 – 21 – 29 – 34 – 41 – 58 – 62 – 74

  189. Sumit kumar sinha says:

    Nice photandery attractive

  190. Harley Annie Luck says:

    I really can’t pick a few favorites. I’m overwhelmed. I love the bear, The birds, The horse with the beautiful eyes, The statues, The tiny hand….these are all beautiful. Thank you.

  191. I like all picture especially deer

  192. Linda Baumann says:

    I truly like or love or find interesting all of the photos, since I just choose 10 here goes and thank you for value ing my humble opinion for it is based on solely what pleases me and not any skill or knowledge of what it takes to create art in a photo.
    * I do have a tie

  193. Lucía Cifuentes says:

    Todas las fotos son muy hermosas 😍 pero me encantan las fotos en blanco y negro. Felicitaciones! 👏👏

  194. RENKA says:


    美しく、そして力強く 感じます…!!

    素敵な写真を ありがとうございます!

  195. りえぴん says:


  196. yonyon says:


  197. Ved Mishra says:

    Amazing photography

  198. Rishikant kulshrestha says:

    आपके जिन फोटो में फूल है वे सबसे सुंदर है

  199. All the photos showing flowers and animal are awesome and to be keep anyones gallery with proud.
    Overall all photos are good.
    Going well and keep it up.

  200. Nature photoes are very good

  201. Alberto Becerril says:

    Fotos hermosas
    Muchas gracias por compartir

  202. Prem Chand Daga says:

    जिंदगी को बहुत करीब से समझने एवं जीने की कला है आपमे ,हर फोटू जो आपने संजोया है वो बेमिसाल है, हर की अपनी कहानी है जो हमे साथ मे रहने एवम शांति का संदेश दे रहे है ।बहुत खूबसूरत कलेक्शन ।

    • क्या खुब कहा आपने। ये फोटो सिर्फ फोटो है जब तक कोई इसकी गहराई न समझे। इन फोटो को आपके नजरियेने खूबसूरत बना दिया। आपका दिल से शुक्रिया करता हु। हमारे साथ जुड़े रहिये।

  203. Vamsikrishnamraju Byrraju says:

    Beautiful clicks, hardwork always pays

  204. Priya says:

    In nature, light creates the color. In the picture, color creates the light. Impressive Pic.

  205. Pochakoro says:

    Thank you for the wonderful photo. I’m writing this sentence using the translation function, so I don’t know if it’s transmitted well, but one day I’d like to go to various places to feel nature and appreciate it.

  206. Dinesh Kumar Mohan says:

    Nice Clicks, I liked IT, photography is an art. Keep up the good work, AWAITING to see your pics In the “pic of the YEAR” AWARDS.

  207. Vasan says:

    Beautiful pictures

  208. Ashok Razdan says:

    Wow beautiful , all photos are great But some of these are masterpiece

  209. Anupam Mishra says:

    Nice all

  210. Santosh says:

    I like your all types photo
    Nature’s animals various types no words

  211. Irma says:

    Wow, so many beautiful Pictures! I especially like 78/78, The colors in that one are stunningly beautiful.

  212. Anshu says:

    All the picture are beautiful,nature beauty😍

  213. Sumant Kumar says:

    Beautiful Pics..
    Keep your Job Continue

  214. Delisa says:

    Beautiful work, how can I get started showing my pics, I’ve always had a love for photography.

  215. Devidas Rathod says:

    Nice 👍👍 thinking 🤔🤔 photo all gallery in best’ photos

  216. Shyam awadh yadav says:

    Nice all photo

  217. Constanza says:

    Excelentes fotografías y muchas gracias por la invitación para poder disfrutar de tan magníficas fotos. Un abrazo fuerte y bendiciones 🙏


    You are very naturalist. I love all the animals pics. The best shots.

  219. Enrique says:

    I realy enjoy all the pics, i think they are beautiful

  220. Karen Leonhardt says:

    Love Your Pictures, YOU ARE Very Talented & Have a Good Eye For Beauty, Thank You For Sharing!!!

  221. eLZA says:

    aLL PHOTOS ARE BEAUTIFUL. i especially like the ones with animals. 🙂

  222. Hardik says:

    You are looking like a Rockstar.

  223. Hardik says:

    That Is a killer picture

  224. Hardik says:

    Your creativity is on the next level

  225. Tim Wood says:

    Nice good nature photos.

  226. AJ says:

    Awesome, mind blowing

  227. Samanto says:

    Nice pictures

  228. RANDY Emmanuel says:

    They are fantastic 😍 👏 ❤️

  229. Harish Sharma says:

    Beautiful and eye capturing photography

  230. Daren Sorrick says:

    Very be and moving! Thank you for SHARING your Vision!

  231. Sai sreekar nyalkalkar says:

    Wxcel art work. Keep doin such job.

  232. Sandip Desai says:

    I really know the new world nature i m really impressed after seen your all the pics i like it but you can continue your work

  233. Rosa says:

    You captured lives to perfection; lifeless to colorful and picturesque imaginations! See what makes your eyes crave

  234. Rosa says:

    You got an eye for only beautiful. Keep capturing

  235. Dipin Singla says:

    Love the pictures. Nature is captured beautifully

  236. Jignesh Kalsara says:

    All pics are beautiful 👍👌

  237. Dominic Daniel Reilly says:

    Beautiful pictures! So well captured!

  238. Pooran sharma says:

    Nice pictures feel very happy 🙏🙏💐💐❤️❤️💐💐🙏🙏

  239. Praveen says:

    Amazing 😍👽🙌